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What Is EMF and What Are the Different Types?

EMF means Electro-Magnetic Field.

EMFs are fields of energy that are created by the movement of
electric charges and can also be referred to as EMR (electromagentic radiation).

They are open-source, everywhere in our environment. This includes the earth's atmosphere, surface and the space around us.

EMFs can also be native and non-native EMFs.

"Native" electromagnetic fields (EMF) refer to fields that are naturally occurring in the environment, such as the earth's magnetic field and the electric field in thunderstorms.

''Non-native'' EMFs refer to fields created by human-made sources.

Examples of these are:

Power lines, mobile phones, cell towers, smart meters, dimmer switches, wifi-routers, mains electrics, the list goes on.

These fields can have a much stronger intensity and a different frequency than native fields. Humans do not actually fully understand the effect that EMFs have on the body.

How Does EMF Affect Your Health?

Short-term exposure may give you:

Headaches, tingling, aches and pains, tingling or burning sensations, aches and pains, decreased sperm motility, hands hurting or trouble sleeping.

Long-term exposure may potentially be associated with:

Brain tumors, mental illness, cognitive and behavioral disorders, immune disorders, cancers such as blood and breast cancer, mutated cells, fragmented DNA, and toasted skin syndrome.

The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has classified radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) as "possibly carcinogenic to humans" (Group 2B)

What is Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity?

A condition where individuals report experiencing a range of symptoms, such as:

Headaches, concentration or memory loss, cognitive impairment, tingling or burning sensations, sleeping problems, aches and pains, and hand pain, in response to exposure to EMFs.

What Can I Do to Avoid or Reduce My Exposure to Non-Native EMFs?

1. Keep a safe distance from sources of powerful EMF emitters such as power line, cell towers and airports. Try to stay at least several hundred feet away from them.

2. Unplug appliances when not in use: Many appliances continue to emit EMFs even when they are turned off or switched off at the plug. Especially in rooms such as kitchen, offices, bedrooms and living areas.

3. Use wired connections instead of Wi-fi/Bluetooth for your computer, laptop or phone and limit use of these devices.

4. Do not sleep next to a phone or laptop and leave them in another room with the wi-fi turned off and aeroplane mode on.

5. Use a battery-powered alarm clock rather than plugged into outlet (or none at all is best)

6. Turn phone on aeroplane mode when not in use or expecting a call.

7. Use anti-radiation shields, phone cases, and clothing.

8. Use airtube earphones or headphones whilst listening to music or answering your phone as well as limiting your time on the phone.

9. Use an EMF meter to identify frequencies within your home and make adjustments as needed.

What is Grounding and Where Do I Start?

Grounding (also known as earthing) is the practice of connecting to the Earth's natural electrical and magnetic charge.

Luckily, you don't need to outside all day to stay grounded. This can be done through the use of grounding products such as grounded shoes, straps, desk & yoga mats, quilts, bedding and much more!

Grounding is believed to help to reduce inflammation and stress in the body as well as promote better sleep and improved circulation. You can do it in your back garden or at a park with activities. All you need to do is walk barefoot on grass, concrete or soil!

The earth provides your body with free electrons and a negative charge, which then carries through the body and allows you to maintain the same electrical potential as the Earth and to restore what is has lost as a result of the metablic processes.

Utilising indoor grounding is beneficial as this is where we spend most of our day and find it hard to work and stay outdoors in bare feet.

Is Grounding OK for People Who Take Different Medications?

We recommend you first have a conversation with your doctor.

Earthing makes the body function more efficiently, and this improvement has the potential to affect medication dosages.

Earthing has a blood thinning effect and can improve thyroid function, blood sugar, and blood pressure, and thus medication
dosages may need to be closely monitored and possibly adjusted.

Such interactions however, have not been measured in studies. We strongly advise informing your doctor and following his or her guidance.

Please read: The Earthing Institute Report on Earthing and Medication for more information.

What Is PEMF Therapy?

PEMF stands for Pulsed Electromagnetic Field therapy.

It is a non-invasive and drug-free method used to stimulate cellular repair and overall well-being by applying low-frequency, pulsating magnetic fields to the body.

PEMF therapy has been shown to reduce pain, improve circulation, promote healing, and support overall wellness.
Check out our PEMF Collection to learn more about the available products.

How Do PEMF Therapy Devices Work?

PEMF therapy devices such as the OMI™ PEMF Full Body Mat, emit a series of low-frequency electromagnetic pulses.

These pulses pass through the body, stimulating cellular activity and encouraging the body's natural healing processes.

By activating cellular repair mechanisms and enhancing overall cell function, PEMF therapy can support a wide range of health benefits.

What Are the Potential Benefits of PEMF Therapy?

PEMF therapy has been associated with various health benefits, including:

Pain relief and reduction of inflammation
Improved circulation
Enhanced cellular repair and regeneration
Accelerated healing of injuries
Increased bone density
Stress reduction and relaxation
Improved sleep quality
Enhanced immune system function

Is PEMF Therapy Safe?

PEMF therapy is generally considered safe when used according to manufacturer guidelines.

The low-frequency electromagnetic fields produced by PEMF devices are not harmful to the human body.

However, people with certain medical conditions, such as epilepsy, pregnancy, or those who have implanted electronic devices (e.g., pacemakers), should consult with a healthcare professional before using PEMF therapy.

How Long Does a PEMF Therapy Session Last?

The duration of a PEMF therapy session can vary depending on the specific device and the individual's needs. Generally, sessions last between 10 and 60 minutes. The frequency of sessions can also differ, with some individuals using PEMF therapy daily, while others use it a few times a week.

Can I Use PEMF Therapy Devices at Home?

Yes, there are numerous PEMF therapy devices designed for home use.

These devices typically come with clear instructions and are easy to operate. Ensure you follow the manufacturer's guidelines for proper usage.

Are There Any Side Effects of PEMF Therapy?

PEMF therapy is generally well-tolerated, with few reported side effects. Some users may experience mild, temporary discomfort, such as dizziness, nausea, or a tingling sensation during or after treatment.

These side effects usually subside quickly and are not a cause for concern. However, if you experience any persistent or severe side effects, discontinue use and consult a healthcare professional.

How Long Does It Take to See Results from PEMF Therapy?

The time it takes to experience results from PEMF therapy can vary from person to person, depending on the individual's condition and the frequency of treatment. Some users report immediate benefits, while others may require several weeks or months of consistent therapy to notice significant improvements.

Can I Use PEMF Therapy Alongside Other Treatments?

PEMF therapy can generally be used alongside other treatments, such as physical therapy, medication, or chiropractic care. It is essential to consult with a healthcare professional to ensure that PEMF therapy is appropriate for your specific situation and to develop a personalised treatment plan.

What Types of Red Light Therapy Devices Do You Sell?



Portable Panels

How Frequently Should I Use My Red Light Therapy Device?

Preferably for optimal use, use morning and night. However, if you can only fit one session in a day, try before sleeping as this is shown to improve sleep quality and helps to fall asleep faster.

A 10-15 minute sessions are recommended to begin with as anything above 20 minutes will start to see diminishing returns.

How Far Away Do I Need to Stand or Lay from My Red Light Therapy Panel?

This will depend on the specific device you are using and the area of the body you are treating.

Generally, it is recommended to start at a distance of about 6-12 inches away from the device and gradually increase the distance as you become more comfortable with the treatment.

However, it's important to check the manufacturer's instructions for the specific device you are using as the distance can vary between different devices.

Is Red Light Therapy Safe?

RLT is generally considered safe for most people when used as directed. However, it is always important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment, especially if you have a pre-existing condition or are taking medication.

How Long Will It Take to See Results from Red Light Therapy?

Results can vary depending on the condition being treated and the individual. Some people may notice improvements in as little as a few days, while others may take several weeks or longer to see results. It is not a mir

What Are the Side Effects of Red Light Therapy?

There are generally no side effects associated with red light therapy when used as directed. However,
some people may experience mild skin irritation, redness, or dryness.

Can I Use Red Light Therapy Devices with Other Treatments?

Yes, RLT devices can be used in conjunction with other treatments such as medication, physical therapy, and skincare products. However, it's always important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment.

Are There Any Precautions to Take When Using Red Light Therapy Devices?

It is important to use eye protection, such as goggles, when using RLT devices as the light can be damaging to the eyes if viewed directly.

Also, it's always important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new treatment, especially if you have a pre-existing condition or are taking medication.

What Is Cold Therapy and What Are the Benefits?

Cold therapy, also known as Cryotherapy, is the practice of exposing the body to extremely cold temperatures for a short period of time in order to heat the body from within.

The scientific word for this process that occurs within the body is thermogenesis.

The benefits of cold therapy include improved circulation, reduced inflammation, relief of muscle soreness & stiffness and much much more.

It can also help to improve recovery time after exercise and improve overall well-being through the shear act of willpower.

What Are Cold Plunge Baths and How Do They Work?

Cold plunge baths are a type of cold therapy that involves immersing the body in a tub or pool of cold water.

The water is typically between 50-60 degrees Fahrenheit.

Cold plunge baths work by constricting blood vessels and increasing blood flow to the body's core, which can help to reduce inflammation and promote recovery.

How Do I Choose the Right Cold Plunge Bath for My Home?

When choosing a cold plunge bath for your home, it's important to consider factors such as the size,
material, features and accessories.

It's also important to consider the space you have available, your budget and how you can make it fit your routine.

How Long Should I Stay in the Cold Plunge Bath?

The amount of time you spend in the cold plunge bath is a matter of personal preference, but a general guideline is to start with short sessions of 1-2 minutes and gradually increase the time as your body becomes accustomed to the cold.

Incorporating warm-up and cool-down periods can allow the body to adapt more easily.

How often should I do cold pluge?

Prioritize consistency over intensity.

Regular, shorter cold exposure sessions may be more effective than infrequent, longer ones.

Are There Any Safety Precautions I Should Take When Using a Cold Plunge Bath?

Yes, it's important to take safety precautions when using a cold plunge bath.

Always have someone there in case of an emergency. Avoid staying in the bath for too long and avoid using the bath if you are feeling unwell or have certain medical conditions.

Always make sure that you are well hydrated before and after your cold plunge bath session.

Additionally, it's important to be aware of the potential risks such as hypothermia, especially for the elderly, those who have low blood pressure, or have certain medical or underlying conditions.

ALWAYS consult a doctor before immersing your body in ice cold water.

What Are the Benefits of Using a Home Sauna?

Home saunas offer a variety of health benefits including improved circulation, reduced stress and tension,and improved overall well-being.

They can also help with weight loss, skin purification, and relief of muscle soreness and stiffness.

How Do I Choose the Right Size Sauna for My Home?

The size of the sauna you choose will depend on the space you have available and how many people you
want to be able to accommodate.

A general rule of thumb is to allow for at least 3-4 square feet per person.

How Do I Maintain My Home Sauna?

Maintaining a home sauna is relatively easy.

It's important to keep the sauna clean and to follow the manufacturer's instructions for care and maintenance.

This may include regular cleaning and disinfecting of the sauna, as well as replacing the bulbs and filters as needed.

How Long Should I Stay in The Sauna?

A general guideline is to start with short sessions of 5-10 minutes and gradually increase the time as your
body becomes accustomed to the heat.

Avoid staying in the sauna too long as this can lead to dehydration and overheating.

Use the sauna at a comfortable temperature that is not too hot for you.

Can I Use Essential Oils in My Sauna?

Yes, you can use essential oils in your sauna by adding a few drops to a bowl of water and placing it on the sauna heater.

The heat will cause the oils to evaporate and fill the sauna with their fragrance.

Are There Any Safety Precautions I Should Take When Using a Home Sauna?

Yes, follow the manufacturer's instructions and use the sauna as directed.

If it is a first time using a sauna, have someone else there in case of emergencies.

Avoid staying in the sauna for too long and avoid using the sauna if you are feeling unwell or have certain medical conditions.

Always make sure that you are well hydrated before and after your sauna session.

And remember, consult your doctor before using the sauna.

1. Begin with Sauna

Spend 15-20 minutes in a sauna, using this time to relax and de-stress. As you sweat, your body will release toxins, which can be beneficial for overall health.

2. Incorporate Breathwork

While in the sauna, incorporate some breathwork exercises,
such as the Wim Hof Method, to further enhance the benefits of the heat.

3. Cold Plunge

After sauna, take a cold plunge for 1-2 minutes. Gradually increase the duration over time as your body gets used to the cold.

4. Repeat the Process

Repeat the sauna and cold shower process for 2-3 rounds depending on your comfort and time availability.

5. Rehydrate

After the sauna and cold therapy, make sure to hydrate your body. This will help
to replenish the fluids lost during sweating.

6. Meditate

After the sauna and cold therapy, take a few minutes to meditate and reflect on your

This can help to calm the mind and enhance the overall benefits of the session.

7. Incorporate Compression

Use iced compression therapy to increase blood flow and reduce muscle soreness during and after cold exposure.

8. Keep Track of Your Progress

Keep a journal of your sauna and cold therapy sessions, noting how you feel before, during, and after each session. This can help you to track your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your routine.


Always consult your doctor before completing this routine.

What Are Compression Boots?

Compression boots are devices that use air pressure to provide a controlled compression massage to the legs, promoting blood circulation, reducing inflammation, and aiding in recovery.

How Do the Hyperice Normatec 3 Leg Recovery System, Aquilo Ice and Compression Leg Recovery System, and Therabody RecoverAir Pro Differ From Each Other?

While all three systems provide effective compression therapy, the Hyperice Normatec 3 focuses on dynamic compression technology with a pulse patented biomimicry design, the Aquilo Ice Compression System provides cold cryotherapy with compression experience, and the Therabody RecoverAir Pro offers customizable compression programs with FastFlush technology. Learn more about each product here: Hyperice Normatec 3, Aquilo Ice and Compression, and Therabody RecoverAir Pro.

Are Compression Boots Suitable for All Athletes?

Yes, compression boots are suitable for athletes across various sports and fitness levels. They can help improve performance, speed up recovery, and reduce the risk of injury.

How Often Should I Use Compression Boots for Optimal Recovery?

The frequency of use depends on individual needs and preferences. Most users find that using compression boots for 20-30 minutes after a workout or as part of their daily routine is beneficial. Consult with a healthcare professional for personalised recommendations.

Are There Any Contraindications for Using Compression Boots?

Yes, individuals with certain medical conditions such as severe arterial disease, acute deep vein thrombosis, or severe congestive heart failure should avoid using compression boots. Consult with a healthcare professional before using any compression therapy devices if you have any concerns.

What Is Wearable Technology?

Wearable technology, also known as wearables, comprises electronic devices that are incorporated into items of clothing and accessories, which can comfortably be worn on the body. These devices often have smart sensors and are connected to the Internet for data exchange.

How Can Wearables Improve My Health?

Wearables can significantly contribute to improving your health by providing real-time data about your body. This includes monitoring heart rate, sleep patterns, calories burned, steps taken, and even stress levels. By monitoring these metrics, you can make informed decisions about your lifestyle and habits, potentially leading to better health and well-being. It is important to note, wearables can provide different types and sets of data. Therefore, it is important to choose products which are more suited to the goals you are trying to achieve.

Can Wearable Technology Improve My Fitness Level?

Yes, wearable technology can significantly help improve your fitness level. Wearables like muscle trackers and OXA can monitor your physical or breathing activity and provide personalised insights. Over time, this information can help you understand your fitness levels better and make necessary adjustments to your workout routine.

How Accurate Is the Data From Wearable Technology?

While wearable technology provides valuable insights into your health and fitness, it's important to note that these devices may not always be 100% accurate. Factors such as device placement and movement can sometimes affect readings. However, they are usually accurate enough for general health and fitness tracking.

How Does Wearable Technology Affect Sleep Tracking?

Wearable technology can have a significant impact on tracking and improving your sleep. Many wearable devices come with sleep tracking features such as OXA and MINDO. By analysing this data, you can gain insights into your sleep patterns and make adjustments to improve your sleep quality.

How Often Should I Replace the Filters on My Reverse Osmosis Water Filtration Countertop System?

It is recommended to replace the filters every 3-6 months, depending on usage and water quality in your area.

How Much Water Is Wasted During the Reverse Osmosis Process?

The Omsio advanced reverse osmosis system produces 5 litres of purified water for every 1 litre wasted.

What Is the Filtration Process for Countertop Reverse Osmosis System?

Our Osmio filters feature a 5-stage filtration process that removes up to 99.9% of impurities, including chlorine, fluoride, heavy metals, and bacteria.

What Are the Features of the Osmio Reverse Osmosis System?

The Osmio Water Filtration systems have quick-connect fittings for easy installation and maintenance, and a built-in LED indicator that alerts you when it's time to change the filters.

What Are the Unique Features of the Omsio Reverse Osmosis Systems?

Omsiosystems have a water-saving mode that produces 75% less wastewater than traditional reverse osmosis systems, and comes with a digital TDS meter to measure the quality of the purified water.

What Is an Air Purifier?

An air purifier is a device designed to remove contaminants from indoor air, improving air quality and promoting a healthier living environment. Air purifiers can help reduce allergens, dust, pet dander, mold spores, and other airborne particles.

How Do Ionizing Air Purifiers Work?

Ionizing air purifiers work by emitting negative ions into the air. These ions attach themselves to airborne particles, such as dust, pollen, and allergens, causing them to become negatively charged. The negatively charged particles are then attracted to positively charged surfaces, such as walls, floors, or other objects, where they can be easily cleaned or removed. This process helps to purify the air by removing harmful particles and reducing the number of airborne contaminants.

Why Should I Use an Air Purifier?

Using an air purifier can help improve air quality, reduce allergy symptoms, alleviate respiratory issues, and create a healthier living environment. Air purifiers are particularly beneficial for individuals with allergies, asthma, or other respiratory problems.

Can Air Purifiers Remove Viruses and Bacteria?

Some air purifiers are equipped with technologies, such as UV-C light or ionization, that can effectively neutralize or eliminate viruses, bacteria, and mold spores. The essencAIR 2-in-1 Air Purifier & Disinfectant Device, for example, disinfects the air, providing a cleaner and healthier environment.

How Often Should I Replace the Filters in My Air Purifier?

The frequency of filter replacement varies depending on the specific air purifier and usage. Generally, filters should be replaced every 6 to 12 months, while activated carbon filters may require replacement every 3 to 6 months. Always refer to the manufacturer's guidelines for proper maintenance and filter replacement.

What Are the Benefits of Salt Therapy in Air Purification?

Salt therapy offers several benefits, including improved respiratory function, enhanced immune system function, stress reduction, and relief from skin conditions. By incorporating salt therapy into air purification, devices like the EssencAIR harness the natural properties of salt to improve air quality and promote overall well-being.

What Are Gemstone Boards?

Gemstone Boards are specially designed products that feature various gemstones, each associated with a particular chakra. They are used to promote balance, healing, and overall well-being.

How Do I Use Gemstone Boards?

To use a Gemstone Board, simply place it on a flat surface and it will provide a specific type of energy during meditation or relaxation sessions for you within that room. The gemstones' energy is believed to align and balance your chakras, enhancing your physical and emotional well-being. For best results, incorporate the Gemstone Board into your daily routine or as part of your self-care practices.

Which Gemstone Board Should I Choose?

Each Gemstone Board is associated with a specific chakra and has unique properties. To choose the right Gemstone Board for you, consider the chakra you'd like to focus on and the properties of the gemstones. For example, Clear Quartz is known for its amplifying properties and works with all chakras, while Amethyst is associated with the Third Eye chakra and promotes intuition and spiritual growth. You can also opt for the 7-piece Chakra Gemstone Board set, which includes a board for each chakra.

How Do I Care for My Gemstone Board?

To maintain your Gemstone Board, gently clean the surface with a soft cloth and mild soap if needed. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that may damage the gemstones. It's also essential to cleanse and recharge the gemstones periodically by placing them in sunlight, moonlight, or by using a cleansing method such as smudging with sage.

Can I Use Multiple Gemstone Boards Together?

Yes, you can use multiple Gemstone Boards together to create a customized chakra balancing experience. For example, you may choose to use several boards simultaneously during meditation or place them on different areas of your body during a healing session. Our 7-piece Chakra Gemstone Board set provides a complete set for all seven chakras, allowing you to work on multiple energy centers at once.

What Is Shungite?

Shungite is one of the oldest known mineraloids on earth and is estimated to be 2 billion years old. It is a rare, black, non-crystalline mineraloid primarily composed of carbon. It is believed to have unique properties and has gained popularity for its potential health benefits, water purification capabilities, and EMF protection.

How Can Shungite Be Used?

Shungite can be used in various forms such as raw stones, polished stones, beads, wearables and powder. Common uses include water purification, making jewelry, home decor, and as an EMF (electromagnetic field) protection material for electronic devices and personal well-being.

What Are the Different Types of Shungite?

There are three main types of Shungite: Type I (also known as elite or noble Shungite), Type II (black Shungite), and Type III (gray Shungite). Type I Shungite has the highest carbon content (up to 98%) and is considered the most valuable. Type II and III have lower carbon contents and are more commonly used for practical applications.

How Does Shungite Purify Water?

Shungite's unique molecular structure and high carbon content enable it to effectively purify water by adsorbing impurities, bacteria, and heavy metals. To purify water using Shungite, simply place the stones in your water container and let them sit for a few hours before consuming the water. The stones should be rinsed and cleaned regularly to ensure optimal performance.

Is Shungite Safe for All Ages?

Shungite home decor can have sharp edges therefore proper handling and placement in the room is required. Keep out of reach of children. It is essential to ensure that small Shungite pieces, such as beads, are not swallowed or put in the mouth, as they can pose a choking hazard.